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Rainer Pachner & Ramon Walter: Ringtones and logos

Rainer Pachner & Ramon Walter

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  1. Chansons Gaillardes, FP 42: III. Madrigal (1)
  2. Chansons Gaillardes, FP 42: VIII. Serenade (1)
  3. Quatre Petite Melodies (Four Small Melodies): Adieu (Radiguet) (1)
  4. Quatre Petite Melodies (Four Small Melodies): Elégie (Lamartine) (1)
  5. Trois Poèmes d´amour (Three Love Poems): Ne suis que grain de sable (I am only a grain of sand) (1)
  6. Trois Poèmes d´amour (Three Love Poems): Suis chauve de naissance (I was born bald) (1)