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Francine Chabot & Thérèse Ryan: Ringtones and logos

Francine Chabot & Thérèse Ryan

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  1. 2 Songs, Op. 46: Clair de Lune, Op. 46, No. 2 (arr. for Cello and Piano) (1)
  2. 3 Songs, Op. 8: Au Bord de L`eau, Op. 8, No. 1 (arr. for Cello and Piano) (1)
  3. 4 Songs, Op. 51: Au Cimetiere, Op. 51, No. 2 (arr. for Cello and Piano) (1)
  4. 5 Melodies, Op. 58 (arr. for Cello And: 5 Melodies, Op. 58, "De Venise": No. 2. en Sourdine (arr. for Cello and Piano) (1)
  5. Nell, Op. 18, No. 1 (arr. for Cello and Piano) (1)