MP3 SEARCHRambler's Top100
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Floriana Cavalli John Shaw Josephine Veasey Carlo Bergonzi Nicolai Ghiaurov Renato Capecchi Forbes Robinson Noreen Berry David Kelly John Dobson Rhydderich Davis Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garde: Ringtones and logos

Floriana Cavalli John Shaw Josephine Veasey Carlo Bergonzi Nicolai Ghiaurov Renato Capecchi Forbes Robinson Noreen Berry David Kelly John Dobson Rhydderich Davis Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House Covent Garde

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  1. La Forza del Destino: Act III, "Morir! Tremenda Cosa!" (1)
  2. La Forza del Destino: Act III, "Urna Fatale Al Mio Destino" (1)
  3. La Forza del Destino: Act IV, "Giunge Qualcuno, Aprite" (1)