MP3 SEARCHRambler's Top100
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Kelley Hamilton Bonnie Lindblom Jeff Patterson Rochester Opera Theatre Chorus Barbara Dechario Elana Gizzi Mark Schmidt Fred Nuernberg Raffaele Ponti Bryan Jackson Peter Lindblom Vitali Rozynko Ivan Griffin Kristen Shiner McGuire Therese Murray Riker Conn: Ringtones and logos

Kelley Hamilton Bonnie Lindblom Jeff Patterson Rochester Opera Theatre Chorus Barbara Dechario Elana Gizzi Mark Schmidt Fred Nuernberg Raffaele Ponti Bryan Jackson Peter Lindblom Vitali Rozynko Ivan Griffin Kristen Shiner McGuire Therese Murray Riker Conn

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  1. The Little Thieves of Bethlehem: Part I: Recitative: I wonder what all that was about? (Mary, Brother) (1)