- Blackbird, Yellow-headed Chirps, Warbles, Tweets, Squawks. Several Different Calls from Various Birds In the Foreground and Background. Chirps, Warbles, Tweets and Squawks Are All Heard.
- Rooster Crow. Typical Rooster Crow._1
- Vulture Eating. Vultures Squabbling Over Food. Some Feeding Sounds.
- Goldfinch, American Chirps. a Goldfinch Chirps In the Foreground With Other Birds N the Background.
- Towhee, Green Tailed Calls, Musical. High-pitched, Musical Bird Calls In the Foreground Along With Various Birds Chirping In the Background.
- Goose Honks. Bizarre Goose Honks and Some Waddling Sounds.
- Grebe, Pied-billed Calls. Laughing Bird Calls In the Foreground With Raven and Other Bird Calls In the Background. Ocean Ambience.
- Stilt, Black-necked Calls. Short Hiccup-like Bird Calls In the Foreground With Other Birds and Crickets Chirping In the Background.
- Turkey Gobble. Turkey Gobble and Peep.
- Owl, Great Horned Hoot. Standard Owl Who With Some Echo._3