- Oh-Yo-Yo-Yo Type Twangy Jews Harp Boing
- Musical Boing with Metallic Ratchet-Like, Rattly Undertone
- Donkey Bray `Hee-Haw` Take 3
- Fly Sputters to a Halt in Mid Air and Falls out of the Sky
- Single Funny Chicken Squawks Version 7
- Colt Whinnies Various Times
- Rubber Ball Bounces
- Gopher Screaming Hysterically
- Inflate Balloon with Light, Weird Spacey Sounds, Immediate Air Release and Fart-Like Sound
- Quick, Fierce, Attack-Like, Snapping Growl with Jaw Snap from Large Animal Take 2
- Harp Boings for Shooting Arrows Take 1
- Marmot or Small Animal Squeaks Take 2
- Two Chickens Cluck Then Get Excited
- Small Group of Bats Flying with Medium-Pitched Squeals
- Funny Dog Growling and Panting
- Airy Suction with Double Whistle, Plunk, Rapid, Short, Spin and Small Metallic Rattle
- Short Musical Beats with Drums, Ratchet, Machinelike Chirps, Screech and Beeps Version 3
- Large, Slow Wing Flaps from Bats
- Quick Warble, Sizzle and Metallic Chimes
- Rapid Clicking with Boing
- Single Lamb Bleats
- Fly Buzzes in and Back and Forth
- Low-Pitched, Synthy Whump Followed by Ascending, Hollow, Metallic Hits and Hollow Drum Hit
- Cat or Duck Yawns 3 Types
- Running on Stilts with Rapid Wooden Knocks, Bass String Plucks and Whistle
- Small, Hollow, Airy Scrape with Thin, Musical, Metallic Tinks and Low-Pitched, Synth Woomp Sound
- Various Screwy Animal Sounds with Yowls, Barks, Laughing and Squeaks Version 1
- Funny Horse Hooves Gallop Fast on Hard Dirt Surface with Clip Clop Sound
- Manual Water Pump with Squeaks
- Medium Length, Ascending Gliss on Glockenspiel Take 1
- Whacky Metallic Junk Crash
- Fly Laughs with Wing Buzz Take 2
- Cartoon Crow Caws
- Big Slow Boink on Jews Harp
- Heavy Metallic Braking Screech
- Long, Descending, Whistle into Drum Impact
- Donkey Bray `Hee-Haw` Take 5