- Plane In A Steep Dive Then Leveling Off
- Steady, Light Shower In Background with Blubbering & Splashing In Water ( I.e. Drowning Fx ) .
- Medium, Ascending, Slide Whistle.
- Twirl & Fall with Horn & Cymbal Crash Last One with O Fall
- Quick Medium-high Pitched Laser Zap with Medium-low Pitched, Flanged Ring Off ( I.e. Laser Bounce Off Force Field Or Laser Ricco ) .
- Slide Whistle
- Synthesized Oscillating Saw with Echo Overlay
- UFO Start with Various, Rotating, Ascending Tones
- Musical, Small Thin Squirts Into Metal Bucket ( I.e. Milking A Cow ) ._1
- Police Whistle - Long Blast
- Raspberries - Various `bbblp` Type Razzes. ( Quick Medium Pitch )
- Wet, Reverberant, Squishy Impact.
- Funny Vocal Engine Steady - Musical `chug-a-chug` with Pops, Wet
- Funny, Vocal, Musical Engine Chugs Then Trails Off.
- Funny Pouring Or Drinking with Small High-pitched Glubs.
- Small Dirt Or Rock Spill._1
- Medium-low Pitched, Pulsing Hum.
- Quick Whistle For Streak By ( I.e. Fast By ) .
- Drum Hit with Synthy, Beep-like Zaps ( Last One Has Low-pitched Horn Blurp At Tail ) ( I.e. Laser Zap Or Magic Wand ) .
- Funny Repetitive, Rapid, Metal Squeaks ( I.e. Pumping Or Rolling Motion ) .
- Huge, Slow, Multi-toned Flanging Whoosh with Back & Forth Motion. ( Fast )
- Sharp, Reverberant, Swish with Rustling Sound ( I.e. Wing Flaps ) .
- Human Whistle - ( Wolf Whistle ) ._2
- Cassette Tape Left On Play & Fast Forward
- Various Pitched, Short Beep Clusters That Ascend & Descend._2
- Slow, High-pitched, Crazy, Mixed Up, Dizzy Tones That Ascend & Descend ( I.e. Time Warp _ Vertigo ) .
- Long, Crash Type Tire Skid.
- Whistle In & Twirl Rapidly ( I.e. Dizzy Spin )
- Multi-pitched, Buzzy, Scratchy UFO Take Off with Engine Sputter At Head;;
- Several Squeaks with Rocking Motion ( I.e. Teeter Totter Or Funny Machine ) .
- Various, Wet Sounding Zaps & Sparks with Light, Fluctuating Electronic Background ( Could Be Frequency Scanning with Radio Interference ) .
- Descending Quick, pops, chirps, raspberries. ( Low Pitch )
- Multi-toned, High Pitched, UFO Take Off;;
- Laser Blasts._2
- Descending Slide Whistle, Drum Impact & Water Slosh ( I.e. Bowl Falls Off Table & Onto Floor ) .
- High Pitched Train Whistle - `woo Woo`.
- Splashy Movement Through Thick, Goopy Liquid.
- Engine Revs with Vocal Growls ( I.e. Angry Car ) .
- Sharp Short Lazer Shot
- Raspberries - Various `bbblp` Type Razzes. ( Slow Low Pitch )_2
- Airy Scrape, Twirl & Quick Away ( I.e. Ice Skate ) .
- Stretching ( I.e. Pulling Object From A Very Tight Space )_1
- Slip & Fall & Splat
- Heavy, Electrical Hum with Water Bubbles
- Water Impact Followed By Bubble Ploop
- Fast Hot Water Boiling with Pop
- Medium-length Swish ( I.e. Fast Run By Or Sword Swish ) .
- Water Splash ( I.e. Water Dumped From A Bucket )
- Small Squeaks Upscale ( I.e. Twisting Cork - To Pull From Bottle )
- Musical, Wand Movement with Electric Zap ( I.e. Magic Wand ) .w _ Bonk_1
- Low-pitched, Ascending & Descending Swoosh ( I.e. Wind Or Spaceship By ) .
- Quick, Reverberant, Airy, Vocalized Swish
- Funny Engine Backfire & Steady, Musical Chugs, Pops & Ends with Backfire.
- Old Car False Starts - Medium C _ U._1
- Ascending, Reverberant Slide Whistle.