- Low-pitched Machine Growl That Descends to Stop At Tail With Metallic, Mechanical Movement & Light Flanging Quality
- Small, Wooden Crunch & Trumpet Blurp ( I.e. Step On Sharp Object ) .
- Cow Bell & Other Metals Strung Together & Rattled
- Funny Typewriter With Rapid Key Strokes, Bell Dings & Carriage Returns.
- Glass Shatters
- Tight, Thin, Rubbery Impact ( I.e. Balloon Thunk ) .
- Metallic Machine Movement, Large Clunky Ratchet;;
- Head Bonk With Horn - 3 Types.
- Huge Clock Interior Ambience With Heavy Mechanisms, Ticks & Whirs.
- Thin, Processed, Small Metallic Impacts ( I.e. Robot Fist Hits )_3
- Objects Fall & Crash - Wood, Metal & Glass ( I.e. Overstuffed Closet ) .
- Mechanical Ratchet With Metallic Gear Clicks & Clanks ( I.e. Engine Steady or Winch ) .
- Funny Engine Steady With Rapid Mechanical Chugs, Hollow `thonks` & Light Metal Squeaks.
- Ascending, Short, Metallic Clicks & Creaks ( I.e. Jacking Up Car ) .
- Hollow Drum Impact - 3x ( I.e. Ostrich Stick Head In Ground or Plunger Shoved Down Over Drain ) .
- Medium, Wooden, Ratchet-like Clicks - Almost a Squeaky Stretch
- Bounce Then Metallic Bonk ( I.e. Bounce & Hit Head ) .
- Sharp Drum Impact & Whistle ( I.e. Knocked Out of Scene ) .
- Rug Shook Out
- Metallic Machine Movement, Loose Up _ Down Motion
- Clock Ticks ( I.e. Game Show Timer ) .
- Spring Stretch With Metallic Ring Out & Sharp Thumpy Impact At Tail.
- Funny Reverberant Engine Sputters With Hollow Pops, Dies At Tail With Wheeze [stereo]
- Cuckoo Bird `coo-coo` - 2x
- More Solid Metallic Impact With Light Ring Off_1
- 2 Large, Wood Crunches With Tearing
- Low-pitched Machine Growl That Descends to Stop At Tail With Metallic, Mechanical Movement.
- Metallic Impact ( I.e. Junk Crashes - Single Object ) ._3
- Metallic Impact ( I.e. Junk Crashes - Single Object ) ._3
- Hollow, Bomp `thomp
- Rattley, Metallic Impact ( I.e. Jump Onto Bed ) ._3
- Reverberant Wooden Impact With Light Rattle & Debris Scatter.
- Metal Bonk With Low-pitched Boing ( I.e. Head Bonk ) .
- Single, Various, Thin, Small Metallic Impacts._3
- Big Metal Clang With & With O Thud_1
- Funny Teeth Chatter ( Castanets ) .
- Thin, Metallic Pot or Pan Hits With Various Ring Off