- Prayer of the Faithful (Hay), Gather 3, Hymnal #352
- Memorial Acclamation B (People`s Mass), Gather 3, Hymnal #382
- Lamb of God (Mass of Remembrance), Gather 3, Hymnal #390
- Amen (A Community Mass), Gather 3, Hymnal #372
- Amen (Mass of the Angels and Saints), Gather 3, Hymnal #377
- Come, O Long-Expected Jesus, Gather 3, Hymnal #403
- Wait for the Lord, Gather 3, Hymnal #406
- Prayer of the Faithful (Alonso), Gather 3, Hymnal #350
- Prayer of the Faithful (Kolar), Gather 3, Hymnal #353
- Prayer of the Faithful (Misa San Quentin), Gather 3, Hymnal #354
- Amen (Deutsche Messe), Gather 3, Hymnal #366
- Amen (Jubilation Mass), Gather 3, Hymnal #380
- Like a Shepherd, Gather 3, Hymnal #402
- Memorial Acclamation B (Land of Rest), Gather 3, Hymnal #368
- Holy, Holy, Holy (Mass of Remembrance), Gather 3, Hymnal #384