Dj BOBO - Celebration (Cd 1)
2002- Colors Of Life [Pure Mix]
- Take Control [New Version]
- Radio Ga Ga [Queen Dance Trax Ft. Dj Bobo]
- Celebration [Latin Version]
- Come Take My Hand [The New Atlantis Version]
- Love Is All Around [Uk Radio Version]
- Lies [Video Version]
- Keep On Dancing [New Version]
- I`ll Be There [Single Version From Spain]
- Hard To Say I`m Sorry [Video Version]
- Nightfly
- B&B Megamix
- Celebration 03:18
- Somebody Dance With Me [2002] 03:30
- Everybody [Feat. Emilia] 03:37
- Tell Me Why [Feat. Gola] 03:56
- Where Is Your Love [Feat. No Angels] 04:15
- Pray [2002] 03:48
- Love Of My Life [Feat. Melanie Thornton] 03:58
- Together [Feat. Atc] 03:43
- There Is A Party [2002] 04:14
- Freedom [2002] 03:45
- Love Is The Price [Spanglish Version] 03:32
- Respect Yourself [2002] 03:30
- What A Feeling [Feat. Irene Cara] 03:37
- It`s My Life 03:55
- Lonely 4 You [Dj Bobo Feat. Tone] 03:37
- Let The Dream Come True [2002] 03:58
- Around The World 03:50
- Wonderful Day 04:29
- Shadows Of The Night [Feat. Vsop] 03:26