Joseph Campbell MP3


Название Альбом
Adventure of the Forest Lecture I.6.5 The Forest Adventurous
Arthurian Romances: The Reply of Europe Lecture II.2.4 Mythology in the Modern Age
Artists Bringing Symbols Back Into Play Lecture II.2.1 Mythic Themes in Literature and Art
Awakening Parzival`s Noble Nature Lecture II.1.8 Grail Mythology
Beyond Dharma: The Contrast of East and West Lecture I.2.5 The World Soul
Child of Nature and the Knights Lecture I.6.4 The Grail Legend
Confucianism Lecture II.1.4 Buddhism in China
Correcting the World: Our Zoroastrian Heritage Lecture II.1.1 The Function of Mythology
Cosmological and Sociological Functions in Flux Lecture II.2.3 Psychosis and the Hero`s Journey
Cosmological Function: Image of the Cosmos Lecture II.2.5 Creative Mythology
Cro-Magnon and the Invisible Counterplayer Lecture II.1.9 Birth of the Perennial Philosophy
Differentiation of Ego Lecture I.4.3 Society and Symbol
Eliminating the Self Lecture I.5.4 History of the Gods
Four Functions: The Psyche Lecture II.1.6 Jung: Myth and Shadow
From India to China Lecture II.1.4 Buddhism in China
Functions of Myth: East and West Lecture I.3.1 Oriental Mythology
Guru and Student Anecdote Lecture II.2.3 Psychosis and the Hero`s Journey
India: Four Phases of Life Lecture I.4.3 Society and Symbol
Integrated Social Taboo Lecture II.1.6 Jung: Myth and Shadow
Introduction Lecture I.5.4 History of the Gods
Jung: Four Functions of the Psyche Lecture I.4.3 Society and Symbol
Martin Buber: An Anecdote Lecture I.2.3 Confrontation of East and West in Religion
Psychological Reconciliation Lecture I.4.4 The Necessity of Rites
Rise of the Dynasties Lecture II.1.10 Birth of the Modern
Shakti: The Feminine Activating Energy Lecture I.2.5 The World Soul
The Four Centers of High Culture Lecture II.1.2 Mythology East and West
The God Idea Today Lecture II.1.1 The Function of Mythology
The Tiger and the Goats Lecture I.3.1 Oriental Mythology
The Warrior Influence of the Indo European and Semitic Peoples Lecture I.2.1 The Thresholds of Mythology
Third Function of Mythology Lecture I.6.1 Origins of Western Mythology
Thresholds of the Psychological Function Lecture II.2.4 Mythology in the Modern Age
Vedic Altars: The World as Sacrifice Lecture I.2.5 The World Soul
Vegetarian and Omnivore Lecture II.1.9 Birth of the Perennial Philosophy
Vehicles of Consciousness Lecture II.3.1 The Symbols of the Christian Faith