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Sound Ideas
8 Clanking Hit with a Metal Sword
Impacts – Metal Sound Effects
8 Clanking Hit with a Metal Sword
Aftermath of a Huge Explosion
XXL Sound Effects
Big Explosion and Orchestral Hit
Radio Imaging Sound Fx
Blacksmith Metal with a Hammer
Impacts – Metal Sound Effects
Blacksmith Metal with a Hammer
Blacksmith Workshop Ambience with Hammering on Metal & Dripping Water
Boomy Reverberant Metal Hit
XXL Sound Effects
Building Collapsing with Large Metal and Glass Crashes and Debris
Sound Design FX
Bullet Impact on Heavy Metal Sheet
Bullet Impact on Heavy Metal Surface 3
Impacts – Metal Sound Effects
Bullet Impact on Heavy Metal Surface 3
Car Explodes with Metal & Glass Debris
Feature Film FX
Car Skids and Crashes with Explosion
Extreme Sounds
Chain Operated Industrial Sliding Metal Door Opens
Doors: Extreme
Chevy Blazer, Internal Perspective: Starts, Idles & Accelerates Normally to Slow Speed on Rough Trail
Off Road Vehicles Sound Effects
Children`s Mountain Bike Approaches on Trail, Pull Ups & Stops with Beads on Spokes
Chimpanzee Screams, Barks & Rattles Metal
Primates Sound Effects
Deep Hollow Metal Impact from Large Rattly Storage Door
Crash: Metal
Explosion with Metal Shrill Trail Off
Superb Sound Effects
Flaming Oil Drum Explosion
Sound Design FX
Gas Station Air Chisel Chiselling on Metal 1
Gas Station Sound Effects
Gasoline Pump Explosion
Sound Design FX
Ghostly Metal Moving Whoosh
Space Whooshes
Hard Metal Impact Crash
Extreme Sounds
Heavy Crane Drops Pile of Metal into Dumpster
Heavy Metal and Glass Impact Crash
Extreme Crashes
Heavy Metal Clank with Second High Pitched Hit
Crash: Metal
Heavy Metal Crash Impact
Impacts – Metal Sound Effects
Heavy Metal Crash Impact
Heavy Metal Impact Crash
Extreme Crashes
House Explosion with Wood and Glass Debris
Movie Sound Effects
Huge Explosion with Cement & Glass Debris
Bombs & Explosions
Large and Deep Explosion Impact with Vaporization
Power Sound Effects
Large Blast with Fire & Metal & Glass Debris
Bombs & Explosions
Large Crash Sound from Large Piece of Sheet Metal
Crash: Metal
Large Explosion and Fire in Busy City Street with Crowd Panic & Cars Crashing
Sound Design FX
Large Explosive Blast with Metal and Glass Debris
Sound Design FX
Large Metal Bang & Impact
Large Metal Building Collapsing with Glass & Metal Crashing
Natural Disasters
Large Metal Castle Gate Lowered
Doors: Extreme
Large Metal Impact with Lots of Debris
Crash: Metal
Large Metal Latch Rattling in Reverberant Room
Doors: Vintage
Large Metal Ship Door Closes
Large Space Explosion with Heavy Rumbling
Bombs & Explosions
Large Steam Engine Heavily Rumbling with Sharp Metal Hits Inside of Engine Room
Steam Engines
Large Tumbling Metal Crash
Crash: Metal
Large, Hollow Metal Drum Hit
Crash: Metal
Low Booming Explosion with Debris
Superb Sound Effects
Low Hollow Metal Impact
Crash: Metal
Machine Gun Bullet Burst into Metal Plate
Movie Sound Effects
Machine Gun Bullet Bursts into Metal and Glass with Lots of Debris
Movie Set Sounds
Medieval Battle Axe Blocked Hard by Metal Shield
Impacts & Whooshes Sound Effects
Medium Reverberant Metal Impact
Crash: Metal
Men`s Business Shoes Take Slow Steps on Metal Stairs
Footsteps: Male
Metal Crash in Basement with Debris
Extreme Crashes
Metal Framed Glass Entrance Door Closes
Glass Sound Effects
Metal Gurgle Sweep Accent
Special Sound Effects
Metal Rack Falls on Floor in Small Warehouse
Crash: Metal
Metal Roller Coaster: Passes by 2
Amusement Parks Sound Effects
Metal Roller Coaster: Passes by 3
Amusement Parks Sound Effects
Metal Sword Hit by Medieval Battle Axe
Impacts & Whooshes Sound Effects
Metal Sword Hit on Helmet
Impacts – Metal Sound Effects
Metal Sword Hit on Helmet
Metal Tray Drop & Crash Element
Production Elements
Metal Wall Safe: Open Door Latch 1
Vaults & Safes Sound Effects
Metal Wall Safe: Open Door Latch 1
Metal, Glass and Plastic Impact
Mid Sized Underwater Muffled Explosion
Bombs & Explosions
Offensive Hand Grenade Explosion
War Sounds
Single Hand File Stroke Against Metal
Tools: Hand
Single Whistling Firework Launch with Medium Explosion
Small Booming Explosion in Distance
Bombs & Explosions
Small Metal Junk Crash into Empty Oil Drum Barrel
Impacts – Metal Sound Effects
Small Metal Junk Crash into Empty Oil Drum Barrel
Small out Space Impact with Explosion
Science Fiction
Small Pile of Sheet Metal Crash to Floor
Crash: Metal
Small Processed Space Explosion
Power Sound Effects
Small Space Impact with Explosion
Bombs & Explosions
Small Underwater Explosion or Volcano Eruption
Bombs & Explosions
Spooky Door Opened with Reverb Trail
Scary Sounds
Thin Metal Crash with Metal Debris Rolling Away
Crash: Metal
Thin Metal Impact with Ring off
Web FX
Very Large Explosion with Lots of Debris
Bombs & Explosions
Vintage Metal Rod Dropped & Crashing to Ground
Vintage Sounds
Women`s Medium High Heel Shoes Slowly Stepping on Metal Stairs
Footsteps: Female
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