Sound Ideas MP3


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1923 Ford Model T Approaches & Passes by Left to Right at a Medium Speed 1923 Ford Model T Sound Effects
1975 Cobra RS427 Approaches & Passes by Left to Right at Medium Speed Cars: Sports
Acatlipa, Mexico, Medium Outdoor Crowd, Heavy Voices, Light Activity Mexico City, Mexico
American Football Crowd Cheering Football Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands Airport Interior Ambience with Heavy Crowd Walla Netherlands Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Airport Crowd Ambience Netherlands Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Courtyard Restaurant with Heavy Crowd Ambience Netherlands Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Pedestrian Street with Medium Crowd Passing Netherlands Sound Effects
Athens, Greece, Downtown City Ambience, Fast Traffic Ambience, Light Background Crowd Athens, Greece
Athens, Greece, Post Office, Busy Crowd, Heavy Voices and Activity, Close Perspective, Distant Traffic Athens, Greece
Australian Subway Station Platform Trains Enter and Exit Station with Crowd Ambience Subway
Berlin, Germany: Large Crowd in Restaurant with Voices & Dishes Germany Sound Effects
Berlin, Germany: Train Station General Ambience with Medium Crowd, Voices & Movement Germany Sound Effects
BMP-1 Military Tank Approaches Left at Medium Speed, Pulls up & Idles Tanks
BMW 540 I Starts & Accelerates Quickly to a Medium Speed Movie Set Sounds
BMW 540 I Starts & Accelerates Quickly to Medium Speed Feature Film FX
Bmw 540i Drives at Medium Speed, Slows to a Stop, Idles & Shuts Off B M W 540 I Sound Effects
Bmw 540i, Internal Perspective: Drives at Medium Speed, Slows to a Stop, Idles & Shuts Off B M W 540 I Sound Effects
Browning .30 Machine Gun Fires Medium Burst Action Thriller Sounds
Brussels, Belgium Medium Bar Crowd Ambience Europe
Budapest, Hungary, Transit Bus, Interior Ride Through Various Stops, Light Crowd Budapest, Hungary
Buenos Aires, Argentina Bus Terminal Environment with Voices & Crowd Argentina Sound Effects
Bus Station Ambience with Heavy Crowd Public Places
Chevy Blazer, Internal Perspective: Starts, Idles, Accelerates Normally to a Medium Speed on a Rocky Road, Slows to a Stop, Idles & Shuts Off Off Road Vehicles Sound Effects
Chevy Caprice Approaches & Passes by Right to Left at a Medium Speed Chevy Caprice Sound Effects
Chevy Caprice Starts & Accelerates Quickly to a Medium Speed, From Rear Tires Chevy Caprice Sound Effects
Chevy Silverado Truck Approaches & Passes by Right to Left at a Medium Speed Vehicle Sound Effects
Community Outdoor Pool Ambience with Heavy Crowd Public Places
Constant Punching on a Boxing Uppercut Pad Sports: Indoor
Cuernavaca, Mexico, Medium Restaurant, Busy Ambience, Voices, Heavy Dishes Mexico City, Mexico
Diesel Powered Cargo Ship Drives at Medium Speed, from Engine Room Ships
Dodge Neon Starts & Accelerates Quickly to a Medium Speed from Right Dodge Neon Sound Effects
Dodge Neon, Internal Perspective: Drives at a Medium Speed, Skids to a Stop, Idles & Shuts Off Dodge Neon Sound Effects
Dodge Omni Reverses up at a Medium Speed from Rear, Stops, Idles & Shuts Off Dodge Omni Sound Effects
Dodge Omni Starts, Idles, Pulls Away at a Medium Speed & Exits Right Dodge Omni Sound Effects
Dublin, Ireland, Large Outdoor Pub, Large Distant Crowd, Heavy Ambience, Background Traffic Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland, Medium Speed Traffic Through City Dublin, Ireland
Ferrari Testarossa Approaches & Passes by Left to Right at Medium Speed Cars: Sports
Football Crowd Chants in Stadium Football Sound Effects
Ford Police Car Approach Left at Medium Fast Speed, Pulls up, Shuts off Without Siren Police
Four Shots from Medium Laser Gun Power Sound Effects
General Baseball Ambience with Large Crowd Sports: Summer
General Professional Baseball Game Crowd Ambience Baseball Sound Effects
General Underwater Ambience with Scuba Diver Bubbles and Background Rumble Sound Design FX
General Walla from Medium Sized Boxing Crowd Sports: Indoor
Hamburg, Germany: Outdoor Crowd with Street Shopping Germany Sound Effects
Heavy Applause from Large Indoor Crowd in Classical Concert Hall Applause
Heavy Earthquake Rumble with Crashes & Crowd Panic Ambience Sound Design FX
Huge Thunder Crack with Heavy Rumble and Medium Rain Weather
Jeep 4x4 Pulls up from Left at a Medium Speed, Stops, Idles & Shuts Off Jeep 4x4 Sound Effects
Jeep 4x4 Starts, Idles & Reverses Away at a Medium Speed, From Front Jeep 4x4 Sound Effects
Jeep 4x4 Starts, Idles, Drives at a Medium Speed on Dirt, Stops & Shuts Off Jeep 4x4 Sound Effects
Jeep 4x4 Starts, Idles, Drives at a Medium Speed, Stops & Shuts Off Jeep 4x4 Sound Effects
Jeep 4x4, Internal Perspective: Drives at a Medium Speed, Slows to Stop, Idles & Shuts Off Jeep 4x4 Sound Effects
Jeep 4x4, Internal Perspective: Ventilation Fan Turned on, Runs on Medium & Turned Off Jeep 4x4 Sound Effects
Jeep Starts up & Pulls Away at a Medium Speed Vehicle Sound Effects
Jeep Wrangler Accelerates Normally to a Medium Speed on Gravel Road, From Rear Tires Off Road Vehicles Sound Effects
Junior Elementary School Crowd Chanting `USA` Sports: Chants & Charges
Large Arena Crowd Ambience with Wrestling Match Ambience in Background 1 Wrestling Sounds
Large Explosion and Fire in Busy City Street with Crowd Panic & Cars Crashing Sound Design FX
Large Football Crowd Cheers as a Touchdown Is Scored Football Sound Effects
Large Football Game Ambience with Crowd Cheering 2 Football Sound Effects
Large Waterfall with Splashing from Medium Distant Perspective Waterfalls
London, England, Airport, Interior Baggage Claim, General Ambience, Heavy Activity London, England
London, England, Grocery Store, General Ambience London, England
London, England, Outdoor Crowd, Street Ambience, Voices, Footsteps, Distant Church Bells and Traffic London, England
Loud Thunder Crack and Various Rumbles as Medium Rain Falls Rain & Lightning
M41A2 Military Tank Passes by at Medium Speed with Track Clatter Tanks
M41A2 Military Tank Pulls Away at Medium Speed with Heavy Track Clatter Warfare
Madrid, Spain, Bullfight, General Ambience During Round, "OlГ©", Applause and Cheering, Brass Notes Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain, Tapas Bar, Heavy Crowd Ambience, Voices, Dishes Madrid, Spain
MCI 102 Bus, Internal Perspective: Idles & Drives at a Medium Speed Greyhound Bus Sound Effects
Medium Audience Applauding & Clapping Applause
Medium Burst of Fire from Hk Mp5 Machine Gun Military: Weapons
Medium Country Rain on Vegetation and Wood Countryside
Medium Crowd Outside at a Large Fair with Game Caller Amusement Parks Sound Effects
Medium Decelerating Trill Played on Grand Piano 5 Musical Elements – Piano Sound Effects
Medium Explosive `Slapshot` Impact Bombs & Explosions
Medium Length Toot or Fart Comedy Farts
Medium Long Trill Played on Grand Piano Musical Elements – Piano Sound Effects
Medium Muffled Female Cough Voices: Female
Medium Muted Cannon Blast 1 Cannons Sound Effects
Medium Muted Cannon Blast 7 Cannons Sound Effects
Medium Pool Break Shot 2 Billiards & Pool Sound Effects
Medium Rain & Thunder Rumbles in Large City Rain & Lightning
Medium Rain Falling on Pavement Rain & Lightning
Medium Reverberant Metal Impact Crash: Metal
Medium Servo Compartment Door Opening or Closing Robotics & Hydraulics & Servos
Medium Servo Movement Accent Robotics & Hydraulics & Servos
Medium Sized Audience Applauding & Clapping Applause
Medium Sized Audience Applauding & Clapping Inside Applause
Medium Sized Dynamite Blast with Lots of Dirt Debris Bombs & Explosions
Medium Sized Explosive Bomb Blast Bombs & Explosions
Medium Sized River Flowing with Strong Current & Birds in Background Rivers & Brooks
Medium Sized Snow Avalanche Sound Design FX
Medium Spanish Dagger Placed in Sheath Whips & Knives
Medium Studio Audience Applauding Applause
Medium Studio Audience Chanting `Go Go Go!` at Increasing Speed, Building into Cheer Sports: Chants & Charges
Medium Studio Audience Claps in Unison at Fast Steady Pace Applause
Medium Studio Audience yelling `Surprise!` Sports: Chants & Charges
Medium Thunder & Rain on Wooden Roof Rain & Lightning
Medium Underwater Fart in Bathtub Comedy Farts
Medium Wind & Whipping Gusts Through Trees Nature Sounds
Men`s Medium Business Shoes Make Various Scuffs and Stationary Movements on Marble Floor Footsteps: Male
Mercedes 190, Internal Perspective: Drives at a Medium Speed, Slows to a Stop, Idles & Shuts Off Mercedes 190 Sound Effects
Mexico City, Mexico Subway Station Platform Ambience with Trains Entering and Exiting Very Light Crowd Subways Sound Effects
Mexico City, Mexico, Bank Ambience, Busy Crowd and Activity, Some Traffic Bleed Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico, Large Outdoor Crowd at Bullfight, Heavy Murmur, Voices, Applause and Cheering Mexico City, Mexico
Mid Sized Plastic Explosive Detonation Bombs & Explosions
Mid Sized Underwater Muffled Explosion Bombs & Explosions
Mixed Conversation Ambience from Small Crowd of Men & Women Crowd: Small
Moscow, Russia Subway Station Entrance with Very Heavy Crowd Ambience & Trains in Background Subways Sound Effects
Moscow, Russia, Restaurant, Fast Food, Heavy Ambience, Large Crowd Moscow, Russia
Mountain Bicycle Starts, Peddling at Medium Speed & Coasts Down Hill Bicycles
New York City Central Park General Ambience with Horse and Buggy, Roller Blades, Joggers & Bicycles Public Places
New York City Hotel Lobby Ambience with Crowd Public Places
New York City, Busy Exterior Crowd in Chinatown, Vendors, Pedestrians, Busy Traffic and City Rumble New York, New York
New York City, Busy Interior Crowd on Main Concourse in Grand Central Terminal, Ventilation and Idling Train Rumble in Background New York, New York
New York City, Washington Square Park, Medium Crowd, Distant Musicians, Birds, Traffic and City Rumble, Car Horns New York, New York
Outdoor Shooting on Busy City Street with Automatic Gunfire, Crowd Panic & Cars Crashing Sound Design FX
Paris, France Subway Train Rides Through Stations with Heavy Crowd Noise During Stops Subway
Paris, France, Subway Station, Platform Ambience, Trains, Crowd Paris, France
Paris, France, Train Station, Interior General Ambience, Large Hall, Heavy Rumble, Distant Trains Paris, France
Porsche 930 Pulls up Head on at a Medium Speed, Stops, Idles & Shuts Off Porsche 930 Sound Effects
Porsche 930 Reverses up at a Medium Speed from Right, Stops, Idles & Shuts Off Porsche 930 Sound Effects
Porsche 930, Internal Perspective: Starts, Idles & Accelerates Quickly to a Medium Speed Porsche 930 Sound Effects
Porsche Turbo S Approaches, Passes by Right to Left at a Medium Speed, Stops, Idles & Shuts Off Porsche Turbo S Sound Effects
Porsche Turbo S Drives at a Medium Speed, Slows to a Stop, Accelerates Normally to a Medium Speed, Slows to a Stop, Idles & Shuts off, From Rear Tires Porsche Turbo S Sound Effects
Prague, Czech Republic, Bar or Small Restaurant Ambience, Light Crowd, Voices Prague, Czech Republich
Prague, Czech Republic, City Ambience, Medium Traffic, Trams, Light Voices, Footsteps Prague, Czech Republich
Rome, Italy, Outdoor Crowd, Exiting Theatre, Heavy Voices, Some Traffic Passing Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy, Outdoor Flea Market, General Ambience, Voices, Heavy Activity Rome, Italy
Single Ring from Medium Brass Hand Bell Bells
Single Whistling Firework Launch with Medium Explosion Fireworks
Small Crowd Applauding & Clapping Applause
Small Waterfall Flowing from a Medium Perspective Waterfalls
Soccer Game Ambience with Large Crowd & Reactions Sports: Summer
Steady Medium Breaths Though Through Scuba Regulator Scuba
Swamp Air Boat Approaches Left at a Medium Speed, Pulls Up & Shuts Off Air Boats Sound Effects
Swamp Air Boat Approaches Left at a Medium Speed, Throttles Down at Mic & Idles Air Boats Sound Effects
Swamp Air Boat on Board: Drives at Medium Speed, Stops & Shuts Off Air Boats Sound Effects
Swamp Air Boat on Board: Starts, Idles, Drives at Medium Speed, Slows to Stop with Various Revs & Shuts Off Air Boats Sound Effects
Swimmers Race with Crowd Reactions Sports: Indoor
Toyota Corolla Starts, Idles, Pulls Away at a Medium Speed & Exits Right Toyota Corolla Sound Effects
Toyota Corolla, Internal Perspective: Starts, Idles & Accelerates Normally to a Medium Speed Toyota Corolla Sound Effects
Toyota Corolla, Internal Perspective: Ventilation Fan Turned on, Runs on Medium & Turned Off Toyota Corolla Sound Effects
Turkey, Market Ambience with Distant Traffic & Crowd Walla Turkey Sound Effects
Turkey: Crowd Ambience with Drumming & A Man Calling Turkey Sound Effects
Twin Engine Jet Propulsion Boat, On Board: Drives at a Medium Speed, Slows to Stop & Shuts off, From Rear Jet Boats Sound Effects
Various Scuffs and Stationary Movements from Women`s Medium High Heel Shoes on Concrete Footsteps: Female
Varna, Bulgaria, Large Outdoor Crowd, Footsteps, Voices, Activity Sofia & Varna, Bulgaria
Venice, Italy, Bar or Pub, Medium Crowd, Heavy Ambience Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy, Large Outdoor Crowd, Pedestrian Street, Voices, Footsteps, Open Cafes in Background Venice, Italy
Vienna, Austria City Ambience with Medium Traffic, Light Pedestrians Vienna, Austria
Vienna, Austria, Outdoor Food Market, General Ambience, Voices, Heavy Activity, Distant Traffic Vienna, Austria
Vintage Recording of a Stadium Football Crowd Cheering 2 Football Sound Effects
Walking at a Medium Speed in Boots on Snow Footsteps: Winter
Water Flows Downstream & over a Medium Sized Waterfall Waterfalls
Weight Lifter Puts Medium Weight Set on Rack Gym & Fitness
Whistling and Cheering from Small Crowd Crowd: Small
Women`s Medium High Heel Shoes Slowly Stepping on Metal Stairs Footsteps: Female
Women`s Medium High Heel Shoes Taking Slow Steps on Wooden Stairs Footsteps: Female
Women`s Thin High Heel Shoes Taking Medium Steps on Concrete Stairs Footsteps: Female
Wood Framed Glass Door with Bell on Small General Store Closes Glass Sound Effects
World War 2 Air Raid Siren with Planes Dropping Bombs & Crowd Panic War Sounds
Ww1 Jenny Biplane Flies by Medium, Overhead with Engine Sputtering War Sound Effects
Yamaha 80cc Motorcycle Pulls up Head on at Medium Speed, Stops, Idles & Shuts Off Motorcycles
Zurich, Switzerland, Airport, Interior Baggage Claim Area, Medium Crowd, General Ambience Zurich, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland, Large Indoor Crowd, Heavy Voice Ambience and Activity Zurich, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland, Large Open Restaurant, Heavy Crowd Ambience Zurich, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland, Small Indoor Crowd, Group Touring Bell Tower, Wooden Floor, Close Conversation Zurich, Switzerland