Sound Ideas MP3


Название Альбом
Acatlipa, Mexico, Medium Outdoor Crowd, Heavy Voices, Light Activity Mexico City, Mexico
Aircraft Assembly Plant Ambience with Pneumatic Tools & Voices Industries
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Canal Ambience with Voices, Activity & Boats Passing By Netherlands Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Fast Moving City Traffic Ambience with Light Voices Netherlands Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Pedestrian Street with Medium Crowd Passing Netherlands Sound Effects
Athens, Greece, Post Office, Busy Crowd, Heavy Voices and Activity, Close Perspective, Distant Traffic Athens, Greece
Berlin, Germany: Large Crowd in Restaurant with Voices & Dishes Germany Sound Effects
Berlin, Germany: Large Restaurant Environment Germany Sound Effects
Berlin, Germany: Train Station General Ambience with Medium Crowd, Voices & Movement Germany Sound Effects
Buenos Aires, Argentina Bus Terminal Environment with Voices & Crowd Argentina Sound Effects
Buenos Aires, Argentina Train Station with Trains Idling & Voices Argentina Sound Effects
Cuernavaca, Mexico, Medium Restaurant, Busy Ambience, Voices, Heavy Dishes Mexico City, Mexico
Dublin, Ireland Park Ambience with Children Playing, Voices, Distant Traffic and City Rumble Europe
Dublin, Ireland, City Ambience, Downtown, Heavy Traffic and Pedestrian Mix, Voices, Siren Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland, City Street Ambience, Heavy Pedestrian and Traffic Mix, Heavy Voices Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland, Park Ambience in the City, Light Birds, Voices, Traffic, City Rumble, Wind Through Trees Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland, Tram, Interior Passengers Board, Ride, Heavy Voices, Close Movement Dublin, Ireland
Ferris Wheel Running with Voices & Laughter Amusement Parks Sound Effects
Germany Department Store Ambience with Voices Germany Sound Effects
Germany, Harbour Board Walk Environment with People Passing By Germany Sound Effects
Germany, Hotel Rom Ambience Germany Sound Effects
Germany, Museum Hall Ambience with Voice & Guide Talking Germany Sound Effects
Germany, Small Airport Waiting Hall Environment Germany Sound Effects
Hamburg, Germany: Outdoor Crowd with Street Shopping Germany Sound Effects
High Performance Street Drag Racer with 502 Engine Passes By Racing Cars
High School Cafeteria Ambience with Heavy Voices & Light Activity Public Places
Hockey Practice with Skating, Shooting & Voices Sports: Indoor
Hum of Voices on Street in Germany Europe
Indoor Amusement Park: Bumper Car Rides & Bells Ringing with Heavy Screams & Voices Amusement Parks Sound Effects
Large Explosion and Fire in Busy City Street with Crowd Panic & Cars Crashing Sound Design FX
Large Fire Ambience with Debris, Voices, Alarms & Radio Chatter Fire
London, England, Large Pub, Heavy Ambience, Voices, Dishes London, England
London, England, Liverpool Train Station, Large Main Hall, Heavy Roar, Voices London, England
London, England, Outdoor Crowd, Street Ambience, Voices, Footsteps, Distant Church Bells and Traffic London, England
Madrid, Spain, Bar Ambience, Heavy Voices Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain, City Ambience, Downtown Street, Heavy Pedestrians, Background Traffic, Voices Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain, City Park Ambience, Birds, Light Voices, Heavy City Rumble, Distant Traffic Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain, Tapas Bar, Heavy Crowd Ambience, Voices, Dishes Madrid, Spain
Mexico City, Mexico, Large Outdoor Crowd at Bullfight, Heavy Murmur, Voices, Applause and Cheering Mexico City, Mexico
Moscow, Russia Large Outdoor Market with Voices Europe
Open-Air Restaurant Ambience in Belgium with Hum of Voices Europe
Outdoor Shooting on Busy City Street with Automatic Gunfire, Crowd Panic & Cars Crashing Sound Design FX
Police Hostage Scene with Radio Chatter, Voices & Gunfire Sound Design FX
Police Station Jail Ambience in Large Reverberant Room with Voices, Handcuffs & Chair Scrapes 911 Emergency
Prague, Czech Republic, Bar or Small Restaurant Ambience, Light Crowd, Voices Prague, Czech Republich
Prague, Czech Republic, City Ambience, Medium Traffic, Trams, Light Voices, Footsteps Prague, Czech Republich
Prague, Czech Republic, Library Ambience, Large Open Room, Heavy Voices, Activity Prague, Czech Republich
Rome, Italy, Outdoor Crowd, Exiting Theatre, Heavy Voices, Some Traffic Passing Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy, Outdoor Flea Market, General Ambience, Voices, Heavy Activity Rome, Italy
Streetcar in Vienna Rides with the Hum of Voices & Public Address System in background Street Cars
Techno R & B Funk `Box Street` Accent Club DJ FX
Training Gun Range with Voices & Various Types of Weapons Firing Military: Boot Camp
Transit Street Car Onboard Ride Between Various Stops During Rush Hour Street Cars
Turkey, Indoor Market Ambience with Voices & Calls Turkey Sound Effects
Varna, Bulgaria, Large Outdoor Crowd, Footsteps, Voices, Activity Sofia & Varna, Bulgaria
Varna, Bulgaria, Park Ambience, Birds, Distant Traffic, Pedestrian Activity, Voices Sofia & Varna, Bulgaria
Venice, Italy, Grand Canal, Various Watercraft Passing, Heavy Water Lapping, Light Voices Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy, Large Outdoor Crowd, Pedestrian Street, Voices, Footsteps, Open Cafes in Background Venice, Italy
Vienna, Austria, Outdoor Food Market, General Ambience, Voices, Heavy Activity, Distant Traffic Vienna, Austria
Zurich, Switzerland, Street Celebration, Heavy Car Horns, Some Yelling Zurich, Switzerland