Sound Ideas MP3


Название Альбом
Adult Male Rapper Voice Says "Yeah" Voices: Male
Concrete Block Dropped onto Wood Debris Pile XXL Sound Effects
Female Footsteps in Sneakers Running on Dirt Foley: Earth, Dirt & Mud
Hard Football Tackle Impact with Male Grunts 1 Football Sound Effects
Hard Football Tackle Impact with Male Grunts 2 Football Sound Effects
Heavy Rumbling Earthquake with Rock, Dirt, Gravel & Concrete Debris Extreme Sounds
Impact Grunt with Exhale from an Adult Male Voices: Male
Large Male Lets High Pitched Fart Out Comedy Farts
Large Stone Castle Door Slides Closed Sound Design FX
Male & Female Panda Meeting for First Time Animals: Exotic
Male Bare Feet Jumping on Pavement Footsteps: Male
Male Barefoot Jogging on Wood Deck Footsteps: Male
Male Barefoot Walk Down Stairs on Creaky Carpeted Floor Footsteps: Male
Male Cartoon Character Says "Leave Me Alone" Comedy Vocals
Male Choking and Gagging Voices: Male
Male Footsteps Jumping Barefoot in Wet Sand Foley: Earth, Dirt & Mud
Male Sneakers Jump on Dirt Footsteps: Male
Male Sneakers Scuff Concrete Stone Pavement Footsteps: Male
Male Voice Mumbling Incoherently Voices: Male
Male Voice Says "That`s Garbage" Voices: Male
Male Voice Says "Well Thank You, Very Much" Voices: Male
Medium Rain Falling on Pavement Rain & Lightning
Men`s Heavy Business Shoes Making Various Scuffs and Stationary Movements on Concrete Footsteps: Male
Men`s Heavy Business Shoes Run on Concrete Floor Footsteps: Male
Men`s Leather Soled Shoes Jogging on Concrete Floor Footsteps: Male
Short Cough from an Adult Male Voices: Male
Small Jackhammer on Boom Breaking Concrete Demolition
Terrified Scream from an Adult Male Horror
Various Scuffs and Stationary Movements from Women`s Heavy High Heel Shoes on Concrete Floor Footsteps: Female
Various Scuffs and Stationary Movements from Women`s Medium High Heel Shoes on Concrete Footsteps: Female
Women`s Thin High Heel Shoes Taking Medium Steps on Concrete Stairs Footsteps: Female