Название |
Альбом |
180 HP Inboard Ocean Fishing Trawler Drives at Fast Speed |
Boats |
737 Assembly Ambience in Large Aircraft Factory |
Factories |
757 Jet, Internal Perspective: Cabin Ambience with Engines Idling |
Commercial Aircraft Sound Effects |
757 Jet, Internal Perspective: In Flight Airplane Ambience |
Commercial Aircraft Sound Effects |
9.9 HP Outboard Pass by at Slow Speed Overhead from Underwater |
Underwater |
Acatlipa, Mexico, Medium Outdoor Crowd, Heavy Voices, Light Activity |
Mexico City, Mexico |
African Jungle Morning Ambience |
Nature Sounds |
Afternoon Forest Ambience with Crickets & Hummingbirds |
Nature Sounds |
Aircraft Assembly Plant Ambience with Pneumatic Tools & Voices |
Industries |
Ambience from Small Group of People in Board Room |
Crowd: Small |
Ambience of Children`s Play Area in Buenos Aires |
Crowd: Small |
Amsterdam, Netherlands Airport Interior Ambience with Heavy Crowd Walla |
Netherlands Sound Effects |
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Airport Crowd Ambience |
Netherlands Sound Effects |
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Canal Ambience with Voices, Activity & Boats Passing By |
Netherlands Sound Effects |
Amsterdam, Netherlands: City Ambience with Light Traffic, Trams, Horse and Buggy & Church Bells |
Netherlands Sound Effects |
Amsterdam, Netherlands: City Ambience with Trams Passing, Pedestrians Talking & Light Traffic |
Netherlands Sound Effects |
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Courtyard Restaurant with Heavy Crowd Ambience |
Netherlands Sound Effects |
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Fast Moving City Traffic Ambience with Light Voices |
Netherlands Sound Effects |
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Outdoor Market with Heavy Voice and Activity Ambience |
Netherlands Sound Effects |
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Small Drug Store Ambience |
Netherlands Sound Effects |
Antique Belt Driven Motor Running with Heavy Rhythmic Belt Slapping |
Vintage Machinery Sounds of the Past |
Athens, Greece, Downtown City Ambience, Fast Traffic Ambience, Light Background Crowd |
Athens, Greece |
Athens, Greece, Post Office, Busy Crowd, Heavy Voices and Activity, Close Perspective, Distant Traffic |
Athens, Greece |
Australian Subway Station Platform Trains Enter and Exit Station with Crowd Ambience |
Subway |
Auto Plant Assembly Line Ambience with Impact Wrench |
Industries |
B-1B Bomber Jet Taking off with Heavy Air Distortion |
Aircraft: Jet |
Baseball Catching Drill Ambience 2 |
Baseball Sound Effects |
Berlin, Germany: Train Station General Ambience with Medium Crowd, Voices & Movement |
Germany Sound Effects |
Big Heavy Ship Door Opens or Closes |
Science Fiction |
Billiards or Pool Hall Ambience 1 |
Billiards & Pool Sound Effects |
Blacksmith Workshop Ambience with Hammering on Metal & Dripping Water |
Industries |
Boeing 777 Passenger Jet, Internal Perspective: Landing with Heavy Engine Reverse |
Commercial Aircraft Sound Effects |
Brussels, Belgium Medium Bar Crowd Ambience |
Europe |
Budapest, Hungary, Indoor Market, Heavy Ambience |
Budapest, Hungary |
Buenos Aires, Argentina Outdoor Food Market Ambience |
Argentina Sound Effects |
Building Construction Ambience with Hammers, Saws & Motors |
Construction |
Bullet Impact on Heavy Metal Sheet |
Impacts |
Bullet Impact on Heavy Metal Surface 3 |
Impacts – Metal Sound Effects |
Bullet Impact on Heavy Metal Surface 3 |
Bus Station Ambience with Heavy Crowd |
Public Places |
Busy Bar Ambience in Czech Republic |
Europe |
Carnival Ambience with Clowns & Entertainers in Spain |
Europe |
Community Outdoor Pool Ambience with Heavy Crowd |
Public Places |
Construction Ambience with Caterpillar Bulldozer Loading Gravel |
Industries |
Country Ambience with Crickets & Insects Chirping |
Countryside |
Country Day Ambience with Steady Breeze, Birds & Heavy Highway Rumble in Background |
Countryside |
Country Night Ambience with Heavy Insects & Filtered Traffic |
Countryside |
Cuernavaca, Mexico, Medium Restaurant, Busy Ambience, Voices, Heavy Dishes |
Mexico City, Mexico |
Daytime Forest Ambience with Light Birds in France |
Europe |
Daytime Jungle Ambience with Heavy Insects, Birds, Water Drops on Thick Vegetation Forests |
Jungles & Swamps |
Distant Amusement Park Environment Ambience with Merry-Go-Round, Music & Roller Coaster |
Amusement Parks Sound Effects |
Dublin, Ireland Park Ambience with Children Playing, Voices, Distant Traffic and City Rumble |
Europe |
Dublin, Ireland, City Ambience, Downtown, Heavy Traffic and Pedestrian Mix, Voices, Siren |
Dublin, Ireland |
Dublin, Ireland, City Street Ambience, Heavy Pedestrian and Traffic Mix, Heavy Voices |
Dublin, Ireland |
Dublin, Ireland, Large Outdoor Pub, Large Distant Crowd, Heavy Ambience, Background Traffic |
Dublin, Ireland |
Dublin, Ireland, Park Ambience in the City, Light Birds, Voices, Traffic, City Rumble, Wind Through Trees |
Dublin, Ireland |
Dublin, Ireland, Tram, Interior Passengers Board, Ride, Heavy Voices, Close Movement |
Dublin, Ireland |
Early Morning Ambience from Forest and Lake with Insects, Birds, Heavy Loons & Bullfrogs |
Forests |
Early Morning Forest Ambience with Birds, Crickets & Distant Frogs in Water |
Forests |
Electronic Stars in Space Ambience |
Space Sound Effects |
Engine Room with Large Steam Engine Running with Heavy Rumble |
Steam Engines |
Factory Ambience with Constant Heavy Roar from Vent and Stacks |
Factories |
Factory Ambience with Gas Hiss |
Factories |
Forest Ambience in Middle of the Day with Heavy Amount of Birds Singing |
Nature Sounds |
Forest Ambience in Middle of the Night with Heavy Crickets & Light Birds |
Nature Sounds |
Foxhole Ambience with Mortar Explosions & Heavy Gunfire |
Warfare |
General Baseball Ambience with Large Crowd |
Sports: Summer |
General Professional Baseball Game Crowd Ambience |
Baseball Sound Effects |
General Underwater Ambience with Scuba Diver Bubbles and Background Rumble |
Sound Design FX |
Germany Department Store Ambience with Voices |
Germany Sound Effects |
Germany, Hotel Rom Ambience |
Germany Sound Effects |
Germany, Museum Hall Ambience with Voice & Guide Talking |
Germany Sound Effects |
Heavy Applause from Large Indoor Crowd in Classical Concert Hall |
Applause |
Heavy Auto Body Crash Impact |
Impacts |
Heavy Buzzing Electrical Surge |
Electricity & Sparks |
Heavy Buzzing from Several Bees |
Insects |
Heavy Complex Fluttery Growls from a Monster |
Feature Film FX |
Heavy Crackle from Devastating Forest Fire |
Natural Disasters |
Heavy Crane Drops Pile of Metal into Dumpster |
Demolition |
Heavy Crash Impact with Debris |
Movie Sound Effects |
Heavy Earthquake Rumble with Crashes & Crowd Panic Ambience |
Sound Design FX |
Heavy Fire Rumbles with Light Crackling |
Fire |
Heavy Flowing River Bubbling with Low Roar |
Rivers & Brooks |
Heavy Grainy Space Whoosh |
Space Whooshes |
Heavy Hurricane Thunderstorm with High Winds and Heavy Rain |
Natural Disasters |
Heavy Hydraulic Robot Movement |
Robotics & Hydraulics & Servos |
Heavy Impact Hit with Small Water Release Underwater |
Underwater |
Heavy Metal and Glass Impact Crash |
Extreme Crashes |
Heavy Metal Clank with Second High Pitched Hit |
Crash: Metal |
Heavy Metal Crash Impact |
Impacts – Metal Sound Effects |
Heavy Metal Crash Impact |
Heavy Metal Impact Crash |
Extreme Crashes |
Heavy Metallic Android Footstep |
Special Sound Effects |
Heavy Phased Buzz Whoosh |
Whooshes |
Heavy Radio Static Interference |
Radios & TVs |
Heavy Rain Ambience on Hard Surface and Overhang |
Rain & Lightning |
Heavy Rain Drops Against Wood Door or Window |
Weather |
Heavy Rain on Wooden Porch Overhang with Distant Traffic |
Rain & Lightning |
Heavy Rumbling Earthquake with Rock, Dirt, Gravel & Concrete Debris |
Extreme Sounds |
Heavy Ship Thrusters |
Space Ships & Rockets |
Heavy Splashing River Flowing |
Water |
Heavy Squeaking Door Opening or Closing Twice |
Doors: Vintage |
Heavy Steam Powered Wheel Turning Lifter with Heavy Steam Releases & Chain Winch Pulling |
Vintage Machinery Sounds of the Past |
Heavy Video Game Arcade Ambience |
Public Places |
Heavy Wind Storm with Very Strong Gusts Blowing Sand and Light Debris |
Wind |
Heavy Wood Crash |
XXL Sound Effects |
Heavy Wooden Door Slamming Shut |
Doors: Extreme |
High School Cafeteria Ambience with Heavy Voices & Light Activity |
Public Places |
Huge Thunder Crack with Heavy Rumble and Medium Rain |
Weather |
Inboard Sport Fishing Boat V12 Ocean Cruiser Starts, Idles & Drives at Slow Speed |
Boats |
Indoor Amusement Park: Bumper Car Rides & Bells Ringing with Heavy Screams & Voices |
Amusement Parks Sound Effects |
Industrial Fire Ambience with Heavy Crackling Fire & Explosions with Debris |
Fire |
Interior Spaceship Ambience with Electronic Blips |
Space Ships & Rockets |
Jungle Rain Forest Night Ambience with Heavy Insect Noise, Frogs & Vegetation Moving |
Nature Sounds |
Kiev, Ukraine Night Time Country Ambience with Heavy Insects & Distant Traffic |
Europe |
Large Arena Crowd Ambience with Wrestling Match Ambience in Background 1 |
Wrestling Sounds |
Large Factory Ambience |
Factories |
Large Fire Ambience with Debris, Voices, Alarms & Radio Chatter |
Fire |
Large Football Game Ambience with Crowd Cheering 2 |
Football Sound Effects |
Large Heavy Mechanical Servo Movement |
Hi Tech Sounds |
Large Ocean Waves Crashing Against Rocks |
Oceans & Lakes |
Large River with Heavy Flow over Rocks |
Water |
Large Space Explosion with Heavy Rumbling |
Bombs & Explosions |
Large Steam Engine Boiler Room Ambience with Steam Hiss and Puffs |
Sound Design FX |
Large Steam Engine Running with Heavy Rumble on Aircraft Carrier |
Aircraft Carrier |
Large Volcano Erupting up Close with Heavy Rumble & Lava Spewing Out |
Feature Film FX |
Light Rain with Gutters Dripping & Distant Traffic Ambience |
Rain & Lightning |
Lisbon, Portugal, Afternoon Park Ambience, Heavy Birds, Distant Traffic and City Roar, Siren, Wind Through Trees |
Lisbon, Portugal |
Lisbon, Portugal, City Ambience, Light Traffic, Pedestrians, Wind Through Trees, Birds |
Lisbon, Portugal |
Lisbon, Portugal, City Roundabout, Heavy Slow Traffic Ambience, Cars, Trolleys |
Lisbon, Portugal |
London, England City Ambience with Heavy Traffic & Light Pedestrians |
Europe |
London, England, Airport, Interior Baggage Claim, General Ambience, Heavy Activity |
London, England |
London, England, City Ambience, Heavy Traffic, Light Pedestrians |
London, England |
London, England, Grocery Store, General Ambience |
London, England |
London, England, Large Pub, Heavy Ambience, Voices, Dishes |
London, England |
London, England, Liverpool Train Station, Large Main Hall, Heavy Roar, Voices |
London, England |
London, England, Outdoor Crowd, Street Ambience, Voices, Footsteps, Distant Church Bells and Traffic |
London, England |
M41A2 Military Tank Pulls Away at Medium Speed with Heavy Track Clatter |
Warfare |
Madrid, Spain, Bar Ambience, Heavy Voices |
Madrid, Spain |
Madrid, Spain, Bullfight, General Ambience During Round, "OlГ©", Applause and Cheering, Brass Notes |
Madrid, Spain |
Madrid, Spain, City Ambience, Downtown Street, Heavy Pedestrians, Background Traffic, Voices |
Madrid, Spain |
Madrid, Spain, City Park Ambience, Birds, Light Voices, Heavy City Rumble, Distant Traffic |
Madrid, Spain |
Madrid, Spain, City Tunnel, Heavy Rush Hour Traffic Ambience |
Madrid, Spain |
Madrid, Spain, Tapas Bar, Heavy Crowd Ambience, Voices, Dishes |
Madrid, Spain |
Malaysia: Night Time Jungle Ambience with Heavy Insects & Light Birds |
Malaysia Sound Effects |
Medium Underwater Fart in Bathtub |
Comedy Farts |
Men`s Heavy Business Shoes Making Various Scuffs and Stationary Movements on Concrete |
Footsteps: Male |
Men`s Heavy Business Shoes Run on Concrete Floor |
Footsteps: Male |
Men`s Heavy Business Shoes Walk at Fast Pace on Carpet on Marble Floor |
Footsteps: Male |
Men`s Heavy Business Shoes Walk at Fast Pace on Marble Floor |
Footsteps: Male |
Men`s Heavy Business Shoes Walk at Fast Pace on Wood Floor |
Footsteps: Male |
Mexico City, Mexico Subway Station Platform Ambience with Trains Entering and Exiting Very Light Crowd |
Subways Sound Effects |
Mexico City, Mexico, Bank Ambience, Busy Crowd and Activity, Some Traffic Bleed |
Mexico City, Mexico |
Mexico City, Mexico, Large Outdoor Crowd at Bullfight, Heavy Murmur, Voices, Applause and Cheering |
Mexico City, Mexico |
Mid Sized Underwater Muffled Explosion |
Bombs & Explosions |
Midway Ambience with Rides & Pa |
Amusement Parks Sound Effects |
Military Battle Ambience with Gunfire & Explosions |
Military: Weapons |
Military Exercise Ambience with Browning Machine Guns |
Military: Boot Camp |
Mixed Conversation Ambience from Small Crowd of Men & Women |
Crowd: Small |
Monster Truck Show Ambience with Parade Around Track & Motocross Bike |
Monster Trucks |
Moscow, Russia Subway Station Entrance with Very Heavy Crowd Ambience & Trains in Background |
Subways Sound Effects |
Moscow, Russia, Restaurant, Fast Food, Heavy Ambience, Large Crowd |
Moscow, Russia |
New York City Central Park General Ambience with Horse and Buggy, Roller Blades, Joggers & Bicycles |
Public Places |
New York City Hotel Lobby Ambience with Crowd |
Public Places |
New York City Subway Platform Ambience with Trains Entering & Exiting the Station 2 |
Subways Sound Effects |
Night Time Forest Ambience in New Zealand with Light Birds & Wind Through Trees |
Forests |
Night Time Forest Ambience Insects, Distant Bullfrogs & Whippoorwill Calls |
Forests |
Nightingale Calling with Forest Ambience in Background |
Nature Sounds |
Nighttime Forest Ambience Including Crickets, Owl & Frogs |
Forests |
Ocean Waves Coming in Light over Rocky Shore & Very Light Birds |
Nature Sounds |
Ocean Waves Coming in with Seagulls Calling |
Water |
Ominous Underwater Ocean Ambience with Heavy Bubbling |
Underwater |
Open-Air Restaurant Ambience in Belgium with Hum of Voices |
Europe |
Outdoor Water Park Ambience with Screaming & Splashing |
Amusement Parks Sound Effects |
Over Night Swamp Ambience with Frogs & Crickets |
Jungles & Swamps |
Paris, France Subway Train Rides Through Stations with Heavy Crowd Noise During Stops |
Subway |
Paris, France, Subway Station, Platform Ambience, Trains, Crowd |
Paris, France |
Paris, France, Train Station, Interior General Ambience, Large Hall, Heavy Rumble, Distant Trains |
Paris, France |
Passenger Cruise Ship Driving with Heavy Wake Splash, from Stern |
Ships |
Police Station Jail Ambience in Large Reverberant Room with Voices, Handcuffs & Chair Scrapes |
911 Emergency |
Powerful Crash of Thunder with Heavy Rain |
Rain & Lightning |
Prague, Czech Republic, Bar or Small Restaurant Ambience, Light Crowd, Voices |
Prague, Czech Republich |
Prague, Czech Republic, City Ambience, Medium Traffic, Trams, Light Voices, Footsteps |
Prague, Czech Republich |
Prague, Czech Republic, Library Ambience, Large Open Room, Heavy Voices, Activity |
Prague, Czech Republich |
Remove Object from a Heavy Cloth Bag |
Foley: Movement |
Residential Daytime Ambience with Plenty of Crickets and Grasshoppers |
Insects |
Rome Italy, Piazza, Square Ambience with Traffic & Pedestrians |
Europe |
Rome, Italy, City Ambience, Early Morning, Light Traffic, Heavy City Rumble, Reverberant Birds |
Rome, Italy |
Rome, Italy, City Traffic Ambience, Fast One Way over Cobblestone Road |
Rome, Italy |
Rome, Italy, Outdoor Crowd, Exiting Theatre, Heavy Voices, Some Traffic Passing |
Rome, Italy |
Rome, Italy, Outdoor Flea Market, General Ambience, Voices, Heavy Activity |
Rome, Italy |
Rural or Countryside Night Time Ambience with Heavy Crickets & Distant Dogs Barking |
Countryside |
Scuba Driver Swims by Underwater |
Scuba |
Scuba Transporter Starts & Pulls Away Underwater |
Scuba |
Sea Environment Ambience with Heavy Wind & Waves |
Oceans & Lakes |
Short Ominous Accent Played on Grand Piano 2 |
Musical Elements – Piano Sound Effects |
Single Ring from Heavy Brass Desk Bell |
Bells |
Slow BCD Release Underwater |
Scuba |
Small 1900 Steam Engine Running & Heavy Puttering |
Steam Engines |
Small Underwater Explosion or Volcano Eruption |
Bombs & Explosions |
Soccer Game Ambience with Large Crowd & Reactions |
Sports: Summer |
South American Morning Jungle Ambience with Birds & Insects |
Jungles & Swamps |
Southern Iceland Country Ambience with Active Birds & Brook in Background |
Countryside |
Spaceship in Flight Ambience with Low Constant Hollow Hum |
Space Ships & Rockets |
Steady Underwater Air Bubbles |
Underwater |
Steam Train Braking to a Stop with Heavy Brake Squeal |
Trains: Steam |
Steam Train Cars Shunting Together with Heavy Clanks |
Trains: Steam |
Stock Car Race Ambience with Constant Group Pass Bys |
Racing Cars |
Subway Starts & Goes for Long Ride with Very Heavy Wheel Clanking and Squealing |
Subway |
Thailand Daytime Rain Forest Ambience with Heavy Insects |
Jungles & Swamps |
Thick Water or Liquid Bubbling |
Water |
Tropical Mockingbird Calling with Heavy Forest Background |
Nature Sounds |
Turkey, Indoor Market Ambience with Voices & Calls |
Turkey Sound Effects |
Turkey, Market Ambience with Distant Traffic & Crowd Walla |
Turkey Sound Effects |
Turkey: Crowd Ambience with Drumming & A Man Calling |
Turkey Sound Effects |
Underwater Bubbles with Heavy Intensity Scuba Breathing in Background |
Scuba |
Underwater Hand Splashing |
Underwater |
Underwater Ocean Ambience with Distant Muted Bubbling & Slowed Breathes |
Water |
Various Scuffs and Stationary Movements from Women`s Heavy High Heel Shoes on Concrete Floor |
Footsteps: Female |
Varna, Bulgaria, City Traffic Ambience, Rush Hour, Cars, Horns |
Sofia & Varna, Bulgaria |
Varna, Bulgaria, Evening Village Ambience, Heavy Bird Chorus, Distant River |
Sofia & Varna, Bulgaria |
Varna, Bulgaria, Park Ambience, Birds, Distant Traffic, Pedestrian Activity, Voices |
Sofia & Varna, Bulgaria |
Venice, Italy, Bar or Pub, Medium Crowd, Heavy Ambience |
Venice, Italy |
Venice, Italy, Grand Canal, Various Watercraft Passing, Heavy Water Lapping, Light Voices |
Venice, Italy |
Vienna, Austria City Ambience with Medium Traffic, Light Pedestrians |
Vienna, Austria |
Vienna, Austria, Outdoor Food Market, General Ambience, Voices, Heavy Activity, Distant Traffic |
Vienna, Austria |
Violent Tornado Tears Through Terrain with Heavy Winds |
Natural Disasters |
War Scene with Heavy Gunfire Ambience |
War Sounds |
Whale Communicating & Swimming Underwater |
Whales Sound Effects |
Whale Dives & Makes Various Heavy Water Movements |
Whales Sound Effects |
Window Smash with Heavy Impact |
Superb Sound Effects |
Women`s Heavy High Heel Shoes Running on Wood Floor |
Footsteps: Female |
World War 2 Battle Ambience with Heavy Gunfire, Explosions, & Tanks 2 |
War Sound Effects |
World War 2 Battle with Heavy Gunfire, Explosions & Tanks |
Firearms: Vintage |
Zurich, Switzerland, Airport, Interior Baggage Claim Area, Medium Crowd, General Ambience |
Zurich, Switzerland |
Zurich, Switzerland, Large Bar or Pub, Heavy Ambience |
Zurich, Switzerland |
Zurich, Switzerland, Large Indoor Crowd, Heavy Voice Ambience and Activity |
Zurich, Switzerland |
Zurich, Switzerland, Large Open Restaurant, Heavy Crowd Ambience |
Zurich, Switzerland |
Zurich, Switzerland, Street Celebration, Heavy Car Horns, Some Yelling |
Zurich, Switzerland |