Sound Ideas MP3


Название Альбом
Acatlipa, Mexico, Medium Outdoor Crowd, Heavy Voices, Light Activity Mexico City, Mexico
Ambience from Small Group of People in Board Room Crowd: Small
American Football Crowd Cheering Football Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands Airport Interior Ambience with Heavy Crowd Walla Netherlands Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Airport Crowd Ambience Netherlands Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Courtyard Restaurant with Heavy Crowd Ambience Netherlands Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Pedestrian Street with Medium Crowd Passing Netherlands Sound Effects
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Small Drug Store Ambience Netherlands Sound Effects
Athens, Greece, Downtown City Ambience, Fast Traffic Ambience, Light Background Crowd Athens, Greece
Athens, Greece, Post Office, Busy Crowd, Heavy Voices and Activity, Close Perspective, Distant Traffic Athens, Greece
Australian Subway Station Platform Trains Enter and Exit Station with Crowd Ambience Subway
Berlin, Germany: Large Crowd in Restaurant with Voices & Dishes Germany Sound Effects
Berlin, Germany: Train Station General Ambience with Medium Crowd, Voices & Movement Germany Sound Effects
Brussels, Belgium Medium Bar Crowd Ambience Europe
Budapest, Hungary, Transit Bus, Interior Ride Through Various Stops, Light Crowd Budapest, Hungary
Buenos Aires, Argentina Bus Terminal Environment with Voices & Crowd Argentina Sound Effects
Bus Station Ambience with Heavy Crowd Public Places
Community Outdoor Pool Ambience with Heavy Crowd Public Places
Door Opens on Small Household Toaster Oven Appliances
Dublin, Ireland, Large Outdoor Pub, Large Distant Crowd, Heavy Ambience, Background Traffic Dublin, Ireland
Extend Small Antique Folding Camera, Circa 1915 Cameras
Football Crowd Chants in Stadium Football Sound Effects
General Baseball Ambience with Large Crowd Sports: Summer
General Professional Baseball Game Crowd Ambience Baseball Sound Effects
General Walla from Medium Sized Boxing Crowd Sports: Indoor
Germany, Small Airport Waiting Hall Environment Germany Sound Effects
Hamburg, Germany: Outdoor Crowd with Street Shopping Germany Sound Effects
Heavy Applause from Large Indoor Crowd in Classical Concert Hall Applause
Heavy Earthquake Rumble with Crashes & Crowd Panic Ambience Sound Design FX
Heavy Impact Hit with Small Water Release Underwater Underwater
Jeep 4x4, Internal Perspective: Small Side Vent Window Popped Close Jeep 4x4 Sound Effects
Junior Elementary School Crowd Chanting `USA` Sports: Chants & Charges
Lake Waves Coming in from Small Lake Oceans & Lakes
Large Arena Crowd Ambience with Wrestling Match Ambience in Background 1 Wrestling Sounds
Large Explosion and Fire in Busy City Street with Crowd Panic & Cars Crashing Sound Design FX
Large Football Crowd Cheers as a Touchdown Is Scored Football Sound Effects
Large Football Game Ambience with Crowd Cheering 2 Football Sound Effects
London, England, Outdoor Crowd, Street Ambience, Voices, Footsteps, Distant Church Bells and Traffic London, England
Madrid, Spain, Tapas Bar, Heavy Crowd Ambience, Voices, Dishes Madrid, Spain
Medium Audience Applauding & Clapping Applause
Medium Crowd Outside at a Large Fair with Game Caller Amusement Parks Sound Effects
Medium Sized Audience Applauding & Clapping Applause
Medium Sized Audience Applauding & Clapping Inside Applause
Medium Studio Audience Applauding Applause
Metal Rack Falls on Floor in Small Warehouse Crash: Metal
Mexico City, Mexico Subway Station Platform Ambience with Trains Entering and Exiting Very Light Crowd Subways Sound Effects
Mexico City, Mexico, Bank Ambience, Busy Crowd and Activity, Some Traffic Bleed Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico, Large Outdoor Crowd at Bullfight, Heavy Murmur, Voices, Applause and Cheering Mexico City, Mexico
Mixed Conversation Ambience from Small Crowd of Men & Women Crowd: Small
Moscow, Russia Subway Station Entrance with Very Heavy Crowd Ambience & Trains in Background Subways Sound Effects
Moscow, Russia, Restaurant, Fast Food, Heavy Ambience, Large Crowd Moscow, Russia
New York City Hotel Lobby Ambience with Crowd Public Places
New York City, Busy Exterior Crowd in Chinatown, Vendors, Pedestrians, Busy Traffic and City Rumble New York, New York
New York City, Busy Interior Crowd on Main Concourse in Grand Central Terminal, Ventilation and Idling Train Rumble in Background New York, New York
New York City, Washington Square Park, Medium Crowd, Distant Musicians, Birds, Traffic and City Rumble, Car Horns New York, New York
Old Small Mechanical Alarm Clock Alarms
Old Small Mechanical Alarm Clock Winding Up Antique Clocks Sound Effects
Outdoor Shooting on Busy City Street with Automatic Gunfire, Crowd Panic & Cars Crashing Sound Design FX
Paris, France Subway Train Rides Through Stations with Heavy Crowd Noise During Stops Subway
Paris, France, Subway Station, Platform Ambience, Trains, Crowd Paris, France
Prague, Czech Republic, Bar or Small Restaurant Ambience, Light Crowd, Voices Prague, Czech Republich
Quick Take off Blast from Small Rocket Ship Space Ships & Rockets
Relieved Sigh from a Small Studio Audience Podcast Effects & Music
Replace Lid on a Small Glass Perfume Bottle with Glass Stopper Glass Sound Effects
Ripping Open a Small Cardboard Box Foley: Movement
Rome, Italy, Outdoor Crowd, Exiting Theatre, Heavy Voices, Some Traffic Passing Rome, Italy
Set Down a Tea or Coffee Cup on to Small Plate Kitchen Sound Effects
Single Ring from a Small Timer Bell Antique Clocks Sound Effects
Small & Distant Waterfall Flowing Water
Small 1900 Steam Engine Running & Heavy Puttering Steam Engines
Small Army Grenade Exploding in Mid Air Bombs & Explosions
Small Booming Explosion in Distance Bombs & Explosions
Small Brass Bell Ringing Comedy Percussion
Small Brook Flowing from a Very Close Perspective Nature Sounds
Small Clanging Metallic Crash Crash: Metal
Small Commuter Jet in Flight from Internal Perspective Vehicle Sound Effects
Small Crowd Applauding & Clapping Applause
Small Cute Robot Speaking Computers: Future
Small Diesel Locomotive Drives at Steady Speed Vehicle Sound Effects
Small Diesel Locomotive, on Board, Driving at a Steady Speed, Recorded from Track Level Trains: Diesel
Small Diesel Passenger Train Drives at Normal Speed, from Inside Caboose Perspective Trains: Diesel
Small Diesel Passenger Train Passes by at Slow Speed in Reverse Trains: Diesel
Small Electrical Transformer Starts, Runs & Shuts Off Electricity & Sparks
Small Jackhammer on Boom Breaking Concrete Demolition
Small Metal Junk Crash into Empty Oil Drum Barrel Impacts – Metal Sound Effects
Small Metal Junk Crash into Empty Oil Drum Barrel
Small Metallic Crash & Rattle Crash: Metal
Small Motor Ferry Driving & Speeding Up Boats
Small out Space Impact with Explosion Science Fiction
Small Passenger Jet: Passes by Towards Landing 2 Commercial Aircraft Sound Effects
Small Pile of Sheet Metal Crash to Floor Crash: Metal
Small Processed Space Explosion Power Sound Effects
Small Servo Hydraulic Movement Robotics & Hydraulics & Servos
Small Servo Motor Hydraulic Movement Robotics & Hydraulics & Servos
Small Space Impact with Explosion Bombs & Explosions
Small Steam Engine Running Rhythmically Steam Engines
Small Stream or Brook Flowing Rivers & Brooks
Small Studio Audience Clapping Applause
Small Studio Audience of Gradeschool Children Applaud and Cheer Applause
Small Tile Cutter Working Through Piece of Tile Tools: Hand
Small Underwater Explosion or Volcano Eruption Bombs & Explosions
Small Waterfall Flowing from a Medium Perspective Waterfalls
Soccer Game Ambience with Large Crowd & Reactions Sports: Summer
Swimmers Race with Crowd Reactions Sports: Indoor
Turkey, Market Ambience with Distant Traffic & Crowd Walla Turkey Sound Effects
Turkey: Crowd Ambience with Drumming & A Man Calling Turkey Sound Effects
Two Blasts from Small Air Horn Ships
Varna, Bulgaria, Large Outdoor Crowd, Footsteps, Voices, Activity Sofia & Varna, Bulgaria
Venice, Italy, Bar or Pub, Medium Crowd, Heavy Ambience Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy, Large Outdoor Crowd, Pedestrian Street, Voices, Footsteps, Open Cafes in Background Venice, Italy
Vintage Recording of a Stadium Football Crowd Cheering 2 Football Sound Effects
Whistling and Cheering from Small Crowd Crowd: Small
Wood Framed Glass Door with Bell on Small General Store Closes Glass Sound Effects
World War 2 Air Raid Siren with Planes Dropping Bombs & Crowd Panic War Sounds
Zurich, Switzerland, Airport, Interior Baggage Claim Area, Medium Crowd, General Ambience Zurich, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland, Large Indoor Crowd, Heavy Voice Ambience and Activity Zurich, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland, Large Open Restaurant, Heavy Crowd Ambience Zurich, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland, Small Indoor Crowd, Group Touring Bell Tower, Wooden Floor, Close Conversation Zurich, Switzerland