The Hollywood Edge Sound Effects Library MP3


Название Альбом
Bear, Grizzly Growls, Breaths. Multiple Growls With Breaths. Close Perspective. Animal Trax - 03
Bear, Polar Growls, Roars. Multiple Growls and Roars. Medium Perspective. Animal Trax - 03
Coyote Growls and Whimpers. Medium Perspective. Animal Trax - 02
Dinosaur Growls Version 1 The Super Single, Vol. 1
Dinosaur Growls Version 2 The Super Single, Vol. 1
Dinosaur Scream, Eerie and Lowered, with Reverb. Use for Monster. The Eerie Edition - 1
Dog Large Growls Sneezes Huffs And Puffs As It Plays With Object In Mouth Close Perspective. The Premiere Edition - 2
Dog, German Shepherd Growls and Breaths. Vocal-like, Playful Growls and Breaths. Close Perspective. Animal Trax - 02
Dog, Rottweiler Growls, Snarls. Menacing, Low Pitched Snarls and Growls. Close Perspective. Animal Trax - 02
Dog, Rottweiler Growls. Short, Quick Breath-like Growls. Close Perspective. Animal Trax - 02
Dog, St. Bernard Growls. Short High Pitched Puppy Growls With Cloth Rip. Close Perspective. Animal Trax - 02
Engine Revs with Vocal Growls ( I.e. Angry Car ) . Cartoon Trax - 5
Funny Teeth Clacks With Biting Growls - 2 Types ( I.e. Dog Biting At a Flea ) . Cartoon Trax - 1
Lion Cubs Two Small Growls Close Perspective. The Premiere Edition - 2
Maltese Makes Angry, High Pitched Growls Dog Sound Effects
Maltese Makes Angry, High Pitched Growls with Movement Dog Sound Effects
Rottweiler Growls and Snarls Menacingly Dog Sound Effects
Rottweiler Lets out Lengthy Breath-Like Growls Take 2 Dog Sound Effects
Seal, Elephant Growl, Snort. Multiple Growls and Snorts With Sea Lion Barks In Background. Close Perspective. Animal Trax - 03
Seal, Elephant Snort, Cry. Cub Growls, Snorts Multiple Times With Ocean and Seagulls In Background. Close Perspective. Animal Trax - 03
Wolf Growls, Barks. Long Angry Growls With Snort Exhales and Barks. Medium Perspective. Animal Trax - 02
Wolf Vicious Growls And Snarls Close Perspective. The Premiere Edition - 2