Название |
Альбом |
Bear, Grizzly Growls, Breaths. Multiple Growls With Breaths. Close Perspective. |
Animal Trax - 03 |
Bear, Polar Growls, Roars. Multiple Growls and Roars. Medium Perspective. |
Animal Trax - 03 |
Coyote Growls and Whimpers. Medium Perspective. |
Animal Trax - 02 |
Dinosaur Growls Version 1 |
The Super Single, Vol. 1 |
Dinosaur Growls Version 2 |
The Super Single, Vol. 1 |
Dinosaur Scream, Eerie and Lowered, with Reverb. Use for Monster. |
The Eerie Edition - 1 |
Dog Large Growls Sneezes Huffs And Puffs As It Plays With Object In Mouth Close Perspective. |
The Premiere Edition - 2 |
Dog, German Shepherd Growls and Breaths. Vocal-like, Playful Growls and Breaths. Close Perspective. |
Animal Trax - 02 |
Dog, Rottweiler Growls, Snarls. Menacing, Low Pitched Snarls and Growls. Close Perspective. |
Animal Trax - 02 |
Dog, Rottweiler Growls. Short, Quick Breath-like Growls. Close Perspective. |
Animal Trax - 02 |
Dog, St. Bernard Growls. Short High Pitched Puppy Growls With Cloth Rip. Close Perspective. |
Animal Trax - 02 |
Engine Revs with Vocal Growls ( I.e. Angry Car ) . |
Cartoon Trax - 5 |
Funny Teeth Clacks With Biting Growls - 2 Types ( I.e. Dog Biting At a Flea ) . |
Cartoon Trax - 1 |
Lion Cubs Two Small Growls Close Perspective. |
The Premiere Edition - 2 |
Maltese Makes Angry, High Pitched Growls |
Dog Sound Effects |
Maltese Makes Angry, High Pitched Growls with Movement |
Dog Sound Effects |
Rottweiler Growls and Snarls Menacingly |
Dog Sound Effects |
Rottweiler Lets out Lengthy Breath-Like Growls Take 2 |
Dog Sound Effects |
Seal, Elephant Growl, Snort. Multiple Growls and Snorts With Sea Lion Barks In Background. Close Perspective. |
Animal Trax - 03 |
Seal, Elephant Snort, Cry. Cub Growls, Snorts Multiple Times With Ocean and Seagulls In Background. Close Perspective. |
Animal Trax - 03 |
Wolf Growls, Barks. Long Angry Growls With Snort Exhales and Barks. Medium Perspective. |
Animal Trax - 02 |
Wolf Vicious Growls And Snarls Close Perspective. |
The Premiere Edition - 2 |