Название |
Альбом |
Airy Suction with Double Whistle, Plunk, Rapid, Short, Spin and Small Metallic Rattle |
Cartoon Trax Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Ascending, Reverberant Slide Whistle. |
Cartoon Trax - 5 |
Block Punch Combo 4x Bash Belt Blow Bop Box Jab Knock Lollop One-Two Plug Poke Pummel Slug Smack Smash Sock Strike Karate Kenpo Kickboxing Mixed |
Martial Arts and Human Impacts |
Bulb Horn Bonk With Jitter Whistle Then Cymbal Crash & Bass Drum Hit ( I.e. Hit, Spin & Fall ) . |
Cartoon Trax - 1 |
Descending Mouth Whistle & `wsshew` Thin Attention Getting Mouth Whistle Followed By Thin Metallic Cymbal-like Crash. |
Cartoon Trax - 1 |
Descending Slide Whistle, Drum Impact & Water Slosh ( I.e. Bowl Falls Off Table & Onto Floor ) . |
Cartoon Trax - 5 |
Descending Whistle Then Pittle Pattle and Bonk |
Cartoon Trax Sound Effects, Vol. 2 |
Face Slap Bash Blow Box Bust Chop Crack Pat Smack Sock Spank Strike Swat |
Martial Arts and Human Impacts |
Face Slap Bash Blow Box Bust Chop Crack Pat Smack Sock Spank Strike Swat |
Martial Arts and Human Impacts |
Fast Blow Torch By With High Pitched Whistle On By X5 1 |
The Premiere Edition 36 |
Fingers-in-Mouth Cab Wailing Whistle |
The Premiere Edition 13 |
Fire Rush In With High Pitch Whistle Followed By a Huge Explosion |
Sound Designer Tool Kit - 2 |
Football Air Horn Blow |
Sports Football Sound Effects |
Football Block Grunt 3 |
Sports Football Sound Effects |
Football Block No Jerseys Two Football Players Impact Body Pads Without Jerseys Close Perspective |
The Premiere Edition - 30 |
Football Catch 2 |
Sports Football Sound Effects |
Football Catch Gear Sweetener for Catch Take 3 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Catch with Light Slap Ring on Impact Take 1 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Crowd Steady Boos |
Sports Football Sound Effects |
Football Grab with Fingers Moving over Ball and Grab |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Handled, Grabbed or Patted Take 8 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player Blocking Shoves Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player Busy Gear Movement Take 3 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player Dog Pile Tackle Take 3 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player Exertion Breath |
Sports Football Sound Effects |
Football Player Exertion Breathes and Grunts Take 1 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player Exertion Breathes and Grunts Take 3 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player Heavy Fall |
Sports Football Sound Effects |
Football Player Moan for Pain Take 1 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player Single Tackle Impact with Grunts Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player, Blocking Heavy Sled Hits with Creaks Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player, Blocking Sled Hits with Creaks Take 1 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player, Double Hit, Tackle to Quarterback Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player, Fingers Dig into Dirt Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Player, Heavy Impact on Ground with Gear Movement Take 3 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Snaps from Center Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Spike with Bounce Ring on Impact Take 1 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Spinning Through Air with Processed Spiral Whooshes Take 1 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Spinning Through Air, Processed Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Throw Fast |
Sports Football Sound Effects |
Football Throw, With a Medium Whoosh Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football Whistle Blow |
Sports Football Sound Effects |
Football Yardage Chain Pulled Tight to Mark Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Football; Heavy Tackle With Grunts. |
The World Edition Sports - 06 |
Football; Quarterback Yells Play Followed By Heavy Rush With Grunts. |
The World Edition Sports - 06 |
Football; Short Single Air Horn Blow. |
The World Edition Sports - 06 |
Football; Sled Hit With Grunt. |
The World Edition Sports - 06 |
Funny Man Snoring Snort, Train, Tweety Whistle, Pop, Whistle |
Cartoon Trax - 2 |
Group Football Gear Hit Take 1 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Heavy Football Body Fall Impact with Grunt Take 3 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Heavy Football Hit and Bounce Take 5 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Heavy Grabs on Football Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Heavy Hard Football Catch with Dull Thud Take 4 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Heavy Impact for Football Helmet Put on Players Head Take 4 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
High Pitched Train Whistle - `woo Woo`. |
Cartoon Trax - 5 |
Horse Blow Single Close Perspective. |
The Premiere Edition - 2 |
Human Whistle - ( Wolf Whistle ) ._2 |
Cartoon Trax - 5 |
Landing Exchange Interior Traffic Advisories Between Pilot and Ground Pilot Breathing in Face Mask. No Engine Sound Quiet Whistle of Cockpit Ambience. Close Perspective. Jet |
The Premiere Edition - 21 |
Long, Bulb Horn Honk, Small Suction With Whistle `streak` & Jews Harp Boing. |
Cartoon Trax - 1 |
Long, Descending, Whistle into Drum Impact |
Cartoon Trax Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Low End Sweetener for Football Players Impact with Pads and Gear Version 1 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Low Pitched Whistle `woo`, for Incoming Object, Lands With Drum & Cymbal Crash. Some Small Movement & Light Shatters After Impact ( I.e. Slip & Land In |
Cartoon Trax - 1 |
Medium, Ascending, Slide Whistle. |
Cartoon Trax - 5 |
Misc. Sports Elements; Single Short Whistle Blow. |
The World Edition Sports - 09 |
Nose Blow Comical 1 Short Medium Perspective |
The Premiere Edition - 13 |
Pipe Organ March Organ Traditional Baseball Game March Pattern Organ Only Close Perspective. Music Baseball Football Hockey |
The Premiere Edition - 30 |
Plastic Football Helmet, Drops Heavy to Ground |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Player Blocking Sled With Grunt 3X Football Player Hitting Practice Sled Three Times Grunts Metal Clanks Close Perspective |
The Premiere Edition - 30 |
Police Whistle - Long Blast |
Cartoon Trax - 5 |
Processed Football Exertion Grunt Take 5 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Punch Deep 3x Bash Belt Blow Bop Box Jab Knock Lollop One-Two Plug Poke Pummel Slug Smack Smash Sock Strike Wallop Karate Kenpo Kickboxing |
Martial Arts and Human Impacts |
Quick Whistle For Streak By ( I.e. Fast By ) . |
Cartoon Trax - 5 |
Running on Stilts with Rapid Wooden Knocks, Bass String Plucks and Whistle |
Cartoon Trax Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Sharp Drum Impact & Whistle ( I.e. Knocked Out of Scene ) . |
Cartoon Trax - 3 |
Short, Ascending Slide Whistle & Alarm Clock-like Bell Dings ( I.e. Cowboy Lands On Spurs & Rolls Along )_1 |
Cartoon Trax - 1 |
Single Football Player Exertion Breath Take 3 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Slide Whistle |
Cartoon Trax - 5 |
Slow Football Throw Whoosh |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Slow Motion Football Throw with a Processed Drone Take 2 |
Football Crowd Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Train Horn Blow Medium Perspective |
The Premiere Edition 6 |
Train Whistle Steam 2 |
Steam Train Sound Effects |
Various High-Pitched Slide Whistle Blows |
Animation Sound Effects, Vol. 1 |
Whistle In & Twirl Rapidly ( I.e. Dizzy Spin ) |
Cartoon Trax - 5 |
Wind Interior Pov Heavy Howls And Whistle In Lobby |
The Premiere Edition - 46 |